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Following on its groundbreaking work with an STC for Dynon’s D10A/D100 system, at AirVenture 2017 EAA has announced it has completed work on an STC for the TruTrak Vizion Autopilot.

EAA STC, LLC, a subsidiary of EAA, now owns a supplemental type certificate (STC) that allows installation of the TruTrak Vizion, including all installation hardware and wiring. The autopilot is fully featured and includes connectivity to both handheld and panel-mounted GPS units.* Currently, the Approved Model List (AML) includes the following aircraft types:

Cessna 172 F through S models

More 172 models as well as the Cessna 177 series coming soon!

*While the system is capable of performing coupled approaches, additional approvals are required before they can be authorized. We are already working on this!

Consider donating your aircraft to the STC project >>

For this STC, EAA built upon its experience with the previous Dynon project and worked with TruTrak and other companies in the industry to trailblaze a new system of simple PMA approvals for low-risk equipment, allowing TruTrak to easily gain production approval. The FAA continued to show flexibility in granting a design approval that aligned well with the simplicity and track record of TruTrak’s product. 

EAA is in the process of transferring ownership of the STC to TruTrak. Please contact TruTrak for ordering information.

TruTrak’s products are available through its established distributor network and factory direct. More information is available at TruTrak's website.

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