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Paul H. Poberezny: Awards

The following list is a representative sample of the honors and awards bestowed upon EAA Founder Paul H. Poberezny:

  • First-ever Billy Mitchell Award for Aviation Achievement - 1956
  • National Pilots Association "Pilot of the Year" Award for Outstanding Contribution to Aviation as President of the Experimental Aircraft Association - 1966
  • Wisconsin Air Force Association Award - 1966 Wisconsin Governor's Award for Outstanding Contributions to Sport Aviation and Education in Related Fields - 1967
  • Wisconsin Civil Air Patrol Hall of Fame - 1967
  • Departments of Army and Air Force National Guardsman Award - 1971
  • Federal Aviation Administration Award for Extraordinary Service - 1972
  • Alpha Eta Rho Award for Outstanding Contribution to an Understanding of the Effects of Aviation and its Development Upon the World - 1972
  • Recipient of the Paul Tissandier Diploma from Federation Aeronautique Internationale, Paris - 1974
  • Recipient of the Lawrence P. Sharples Award from Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association - 1974
  • Wisconsin Aviation Award - 1977
  • Inducted into the Society of Experimental Test Pilots - 1978
  • Inducted into the OX-5 Aviation Pioneers Hall of Fame - 1978
  • Frank G. Brewer Trophy "for significant contributions of enduring value to aerospace education in the United States," sponsored by the American Society for Aerospace Education and awarded by National Aeronautic Association - 1979
  • Air Show Industry Award for Excellence - 1981
  • Federation Aeronautique Internationale Gold Air Award - 1983
  • NASA Distinguished Public Service Medal for "outstanding contributions to aviation" - 1983
  • Elected President of the Commission Internationale des Aeronefs des Construction Amateur Committee (CIACA) - 1984
  • Unanimously re-elected President of CIACA - 1985, 1986, 1987
  • Named Aviation's "Man of the Year" by Civil Air Patrol - 1985
  • Awarded Lindbergh's Eagle Award in Recognition of his "Stunning Accomplishments with EAA over the years," presented by the Lindbergh Fund - 1987
  • National Aeronautic Association's Elder Statesman of Aviation Award "for a multitude of skills - pilot, educator, aircraft, aircraft designer and builder, administrator, publisher, writer, speaker, air show performer, and coordinator of the world's largest aviation event" - 1987
  • Inducted into the Wisconsin Air National Guard Hall of Fame - 1988
  • Selected by DOT to receive its biennial award for "Outstanding Public Service to Transportation and Historic Preservation" - 1989
  • Honorary Doctor of Engineering Degree from Milwaukee School of Engineering - 1989
  • First-ever Charles A. Lindbergh Award for "lifetime contributions to aviation" from US Department of Transportation Secretary Samuel Skinner - 1990
  • Lloyd P. Nolen Lifetime Achievement in Aviation Award for "significant impact on aviation and (promoting) aviation to the citizens of the world" - 1990
  • General Aviation News and Flyer "Aviation's Most Influential Person in the 1980s" Readership Poll - 1990
  • Honorary Doctor of Science Degree from St. Louis University - 1991
  • American Volunteer Group (AVG) "Flying Tiger" Pilot Award - 1991
  • World War I Aviation Historical Hall of Fame - 1992
  • EAA Homebuilders' Hall of Fame - 1994
  • Sport Aviation "Man of the Century" from National Biplane Association - 1995
  • Warbirds of America Hall of Fame - 1995
  • National Association of State Aviation Officials (NASAO) National Award of Excellence - 1997
  • Inducted into National Aviation Hall of Fame - 1999
  • Meritorious Service to Aviation Award, National Business Aviation Association (NBAA) - 2001
  • Wright Brothers Memorial Trophy, National Aeronautic Association - 2002
  • Member of "100 Aviation Heroes" (with son Tom Poberezny) of first 100 years of powered flight, First Flight Centennial Foundation - 2003
  • Honorary doctorate degree from University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh - 2004
  • "Wisconsin History Maker" Award from Wisconsin Historical Society - 2008
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