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Latest Eagle Hangar exhibits honor WWII women aviators, Huey helicopters in Vietnam

EAA AVIATION CENTER, OSHKOSH, Wisconsin — (October 28, 2020) — All veterans and current active military members are welcome free of charge to the EAA Aviation Museum on Wednesday, November 11, in honor of Veterans Day.

“Throughout its history, the EAA Aviation Museum has always recognized the unique service and sacrifices by military personnel,” said Ron Connolly, EAA Aviation museum director and a U.S. Army aviation veteran. “Our exhibits pay tribute to some of the greatest names in military aviation history, with new exhibits telling the stories of everyday people who answered the call of duty to country.”

Among some of the newest exhibits in the museum’s Eagle Hangar, which salutes the men, women, and aircraft involved in military service:

Huey: The Workhorse of Vietnam – This exhibit, opened in August, features a UH-1 Huey helicopter that is a combat veteran of the Vietnam War while part of three tours with the 121st Assault Helicopter Company based out of Soc Trang. It was the last time this aircraft flew, and the combat and bullet hole repairs, along with the weathered interior sections, are still visible in the airframe as it appeared when shipped back to the U.S. In the past month, the aircraft’s actual unit markings have been restored to the helicopter’s fuselage.

WASP: Women Flyers of WWII – This temporary exhibit honors the Women Airforce Service Pilots (WASP), who flew essential missions during World War II that kept the Arsenal of Democracy moving. The WASP pilots were the first women to fly military aircraft, taking aircraft from manufacturing plants to airfields in the U.S. and overseas, towing aerial targets, transporting cargo, and other missions not in combat areas, as women were prohibited from combat duty at that time. More than 1,100 women were accepted into the WASP program in 1943 and 1944, and 38 of them died while in service to their country.

More information is available at EAA.org/VeteransDay. Special health and safety precautions are currently in effect at the EAA Aviation Museum. Those requirements include health and temperature screening upon arrival at the museum and wearing masks while in the facility.

About EAA Aviation Museum

The EAA Aviation Museum is located just off Interstate 41 at the Highway 44 exit in Oshkosh. The museum is open daily from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. EAA members receive free museum admission year-round. For more information, call the EAA Aviation Museum at (920) 426-6108 or visit www.eaa.org/museum.

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