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Renewals and Awards

It’s that time of year again when we start the process of recognizing the people in our chapters who serve in a variety of roles and add an immeasurable amount of value to both the chapters and EAA as a whole. We are also starting the process of getting chapter renewals out to everyone. Last year we tried a few new things; some of them worked well, and some of them frankly did not. We have learned from those experiences and are keeping the parts that worked while discarding the other things.

Expect to receive chapter awards and certificates in a separate box later this year. These will be shipped with a different carrier than what we used last year. The box will not contain the renewal paperwork for your chapter, only the pins and certificates for chapter recognition. We also hope to provide the chapter with tracking information that will allow you the ability to track the package for your convenience.

Chapter renewals will be combined with chapter insurance again; however, it will be an electronic notification, not a physical one. The electronic notifications for the insurance piece worked very well last year, so we will be combining the other renewal pieces with that form and allow you to take care of all of the renewal paperwork in one place.

EAA values its chapter network, and we strive to find ways to provide better resources and services for you. We apologize for the step backwards we took in the process last year and assure you that this year will be a less confusing experience. Thanks again for all you do to increase participation in aviation!

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