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Here Comes Spring!

By Bret Steffen, EAA Director of Education, EAA Lifetime 870589

Bret SteffenMarch 20, 2015 - Spring is almost upon us here in Oshkosh. While I haven’t heard my first robin, I’m confident that they are making their way north and will be with us soon enough. With spring comes the ramping up of outdoor aviation events for many of our chapters. These events happen most weekends – and some weekdays – and they always come with good camaraderie. And if you are lucky, a pancake or two.

We always appreciate reading about your events in the chapter newsletters we receive here in Oshkosh, and we often try to share some of your better ideas with folks in other areas of the organization. We often get reports about how well things went and how another chapter was able to modify an original idea to work with available resources. This got the chapter office thinking about how we can encourage more sharing by our chapters to spread your good ideas around.

Because of some major internal projects involving our IT department, creating new ways for you to share simply isn’t possible right now – but there is already a fantastic way for you all to share ideas! The EAA Forums website has a section specifically for our chapters, and it is a great place for you to post ideas and ask questions of one another. It is fast, easy, and already in place, so we aren’t reinventing the wheel.

I hope each one of you will consider going to the EAA Forums and sharing an idea or asking your question. Let’s get this underutilized tool buzzing again and realize the ultimate benefit: sharing ideas on gaining membership, programming for your meetings, and ideas for fundraisers! Visit today to share your ideas and have your burning questions answered!

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