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Eagle Flight Packets Arriving at Your Chapter This Month!

By Brett Hahn

Be an Eagle Flights Leader for Your Chapter!November 2015 - By the time you read this, your Eagle Flight packet should be arriving in your chapter mailbox. This packet contains all the information you need to launch Eagle Flights at your chapter.

EAA’s Eagle Flights program goal is to help your chapter members share its passion for flight with neighbors and co-workers. Anyone who has ever looked upwards, marveled at a passing airplane and thought “I would love to learn to fly” is a perfect candidate for the Eagle Flights program.

Your chapter has a unique opportunity here to mentor new pilots and reactivate lapsed pilots, as well as share your knowledge and experience with a whole new generation of folks who, given the chance, are sure to become passionate about airplanes the way you are. Your chapter will benefit too, by reaching out to the public in a new way, bringing them into your midst, and helping to build a sense of belonging that our EAA community is founded upon.

Don’t forget to ask a member to step up and become your chapter’s Eagle Flight Leader for 2016. Your Eagle Flight Leader can also be an Eagle Mentor Pilot, and they may hold other positions within the chapter, such as Young Eagles Coordinator, Membership Chairman, or any other officer position.

The Eagle Flights program is designed to be a special one-on-one flight experience with an EAA chapter’s Mentor Pilot. Unlike the Young Eagles program, Eagle Flights are not conducted in a rally environment.

Help those who are dreaming of flight to make it a reality at your EAA chapter today!

For more information on the Eagle Flight program or to order materials, please visit our website at www.eaa.org/eagleflights.

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