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Chapter Renewal Under Way for 2016

By Brett Hahn

December 2015 - Chapter leaders, with a very productive year for our EAA chapter network behind us, it is time for your chapter to renew its charter and update your insurance for 2016. You should have received a renewal e-mail with instructions and also a link to a new tutorial. If your chapter did not receive a renewal email please e-mail me.

The deadline to complete your chapter renewal is January 31, 2016, so please get started as soon as possible. With all the relevant info on hand, it should take less than 15 minutes to complete and submit your chapter renewal.

Chapter Online Renewal Tool 2.0

EAA’s IT department, in conjunction with the chapter office, has worked diligently throughout the fall to upgrade the chapter online renewal tool. We are now able to offer you a very robust product.

Upgrades include:

  • Upon login - automatic field population of previous year’s chapter data
  • Auto-saving of chapter input data
  • Ability to return at a later date, log in, and complete your renewal
  • Automatic query of chapter officers to validate membership expiration dates
  • Ability to pay instantly by credit card, or print a voucher and mail in a check
  • Ability to print out renewal information if desired.

Peter Burgher Fund

Fellow aviator Peter Burgher believes in the value and the power of EAA chapters. Peter has made a substantial financial commitment to help strengthen our chapter network by underwriting various chapter growth projects such as providing free website hosting to 100 percent of our chapter network worldwide.

The Burgher Fund is structured to be a challenge grant, and was set up to provide matching funds; for every dollar you donate, it unlocks another dollar. Please help us put Mr. Burgher’s generous donation to work for our 900-strong chapter network.

Only through the ongoing dedication of your chapter members and leaders has the EAA family been able to accomplish so much. Please take a few moments to thank them for their service to your chapter, for sharing their wisdom, and giving of their time and talents for the betterment of your chapter and EAA community.

2016 Renewal Checklist - Please have the following info on hand prior to starting your chapter renewal.

1. Chapter number
2. Chapter airport location with International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) code
3. Chapter meeting address
4. Meeting date
5. Meeting time
6. Meeting location
7. Five-digit zip code
8. Chapter e-mail
9. Number of chapter members
10. Chapter leader contact info: last name, EAA membership number, e-mail, phone number - President (include mailing address)
- Vice president
- Secretary
- Treasurer
- Newsletter editor
- Web editor
- Young Eagles coordinator
- Eagle Flight leader
- Technical counselor
- Flight advisor

11. Chapter clubhouse or hangar square footage

Chapter Online Renewal - Tool Tips and Tricks:

1.  Moving around: The online renewal tool is a completely interactive form that operates within a single webpage. To move around, click on any of the tabs on the left side of the form, or use the “continue” button.

a. When a section is complete, its tab will turn green. If a tab is not green, scan the section for missing info.

b. Do not use your browser’s “back arrow.” That will only take you back to a previous webpage and you will have to go into the online renewal tool and log in again.

2. Printing the contents of a tab or the whole renewal: You can print a tab by selecting the “print friendly” buttons. That takes you to another view where you can print it by using your browser’s print function. But you don’t have to print the renewal. After your renewal is complete and submitted, we will automatically e-mail you a renewal summary and also a payment summary. You can save them and print them easily.

3. Don’t worry about saving: All your renewal data is automatically saved when you move from tab to tab or click on the “continue” button. If you need to stop and come back later to complete the renewal, your new data will have been saved.

4. Questions? Please don’t hesitate to call me with your chapter renewal questions at 920-426-6564 or your EAA chapter administrator Kyle Voltz at 920-426-6861. Our No. 1 job is to make your renewal as quick and easy as possible.

If you have any insurance questions, please call our outstanding chapter insurance coordinator Liesl Wrolstad at 920-426-6106.

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