Rebirth on the Bay
By Brett Hahn
December 2015 - Although it had been very active and successful for generations, Chapter 630 based at Cherryland Airport in beautiful Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin, shut down several years ago.
Fortunately a few very dedicated EAAers refused to let it die. Led by EAA Lifetime member Dan Fulwiler, Chapter 630 has been revitalized and is now 25 members strong. The new roster includes retired air traffic controller and A&P mechanic Lloyd Anderson, as well as Acro Sport biplane builder and pilot Ed Tremel. Both of these very experienced aviators will lend a wealth of knowledge to the chapter’s next generation.
The diverse cadre of new officers vary from retired executive Tom Hahn (no relation to the author unless you go way, way back), who is acting as treasurer and wants to learn how to fly a light-sport airplane, to Vice President Max Schlise, a 24-year-old airplane enthusiast and student pilot, and Chapter 630 secretary Renee Zimmerman, a multiengine pilot who is looking forward to getting her taildragger endorsement in 2016.
The new chapter members are now starting the arduous task of rehabilitating the old Chapter 630 hangar/clubhouse and could use some help. If you would like to help out with materials or donations, volunteer, or even join Chapter 630, please e-mail me. They are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. Let’s help make them a success.
Welcome Chapter 630 members to the EAA worldwide chapter family!