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Florida Chapter Adding a Flight Sim for Members

By John Rousch, VP of EAA Chapter 1240

October 2016 - EAA Chapter 1240 in Sebring, Florida, will be installing a state-of-the-art, FAA-approved flight simulator in the classroom at our Aviation Development Center at the Sebring Regional Airport.

The Elite PI-135 Flight Simulator will provide youths and adults with an enhanced learning experience and enable them to log official time in their flight training. Our commitment to supporting youth aviation education has taken another significant step forward.

We have been fortunate over the past few years to have the area aviation community assist in realizing the chapter’s dreams. Our chapter home consists of a 60-by-70-foot Aviation Development Center located on the flightline of the Sebring Regional Airport. It’s fully air conditioned, including the 40-by-70 hangar area, and features a full widescreen projected video system in the classroom, and now a flight simulator.

We are blessed and appreciate the support of the community. Our Community Aviation Resource Center is bustling with ongoing activities involving youths and their families. We hope the addition of the flight simulator will attract even more community members who want to learn to fly, help aviators who need to update or gain new ratings, and enhance the safety and proficiency of our chapter pilots.

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