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Youth Aviation Activities for Chapters: Bicycle Pump Air Pressure Rocket

March 2017 - As EAA chapters begin to ramp up for the spring flying season, they will also begin the planning and hosting of Young Eagles rallies. Inevitably, that will raise the question, “What should we do for the kids during the event?”

To help chapters answer that question, we will continue with the series of suggested activities, which began in February. This month’s featured youth activity is the bicycle pump air pressure rocket. This activity, which illustrates Newton’s third law and aerodynamics, is suitable for all ages levels and allows participants to construct their own rocket.

Once the launching apparatus is constructed, it will take participants only a few minutes to construct their very own rocket.

The bicycle pump air pressure rocket instructions can be found here.

To find more activities for kids ages 6 to 18, you can see our listing of aviation activities for youth here.

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