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SWIPE It — I Dare You!

By John Egan, EAA 336835, EAA Chapters Manager

January 2018 - Our EAA chapter network has a long and successful history, beginning in 1956 with the creation of EAA Chapter 2 in Fort Wayne, Indiana. Being that two chapters comprise a network, combined with the ability to share each other’s successes through EAA’s monthly magazine, going forward EAA chapters would have the ability to SWIPE ideas, initiatives, and success stories.

SWIPE is an acronym for Steal With Integrity and Pride from Everywhere. It’s a process to make improvements across an organization without having to wait for people within the organization to reinvent the wheel. By SWIPEing ideas, initiatives, and procedures from chapter to chapter, our chapters develop and become successful at a faster pace. SWIPEing not only creates quicker results, but also easier results, as the intellectual component of the work has already been completed.

ChapterGram is a great way to learn about how other chapters are successfully improving through their programs and initiatives. So SWIPE it — I dare you! Other opportune places to SWIPE from include EAA Chapter Leadership Academies and Boot Camps. By attending a free leadership training workshop hosted by EAA staff members, chapter leaders learn the latest tips and tools to help their chapters be successful. The workshops also provide chapter leaders an opportunity to develop new friendships and contacts throughout the organization. Having a personal connection with other chapter leaders will be a great tool in your chapter toolbox.

SWIPE it at the Blue Barn, the chapters’ home base at EAA AirVenture Oshkosh. Throughout the week of AirVenture, EAA staff members and volunteer experts host daily forums in the Blue Barn to help chapters learn and grow — for example, “How to Create a Great Newsletter.” Reading other chapter newsletters is great source of information to SWIPE from. In 2018, plan to make connections with nearby chapters, not only to exchange newsletters, but also to engage in chapter activities, as the benefits are worthwhile to the chapters and members alike.

Make 2018 a year to SWIPE ideas and best practices to help your chapter be the best it can be for its members! 

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