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Welcome to Oshkosh!

By John Egan, EAA 336835, EAA Chapters Senior Manager

July 2021 – Welcome to Oshkosh, EAA chapter leaders and chapter members! The wait is over! It’s now been two years since we’ve seen our EAA family together, and it is time to get back into aviation full steam. Over the past weeks and months, I have had many discussions with our EAA chapter members about all things related to chapters and Young Eagles, and upon conclusion of business during these phone calls, often our conversations are diverted to EAA AirVenture Oshkosh 2021. It seems to me that everyone I speak to is making the trek! We can’t wait to see you.

Here in Oshkosh, our EAA staff and dedicated volunteers are tirelessly preparing the AirVenture grounds for a homecoming. Much of AirVenture will look and feel the same, however there are modifications and upgrades that may be noticed to help make your stay more enjoyable.

Although these improvements will certainly be welcome, this is not how success is measured. Success is measured by providing the best and safest AirVenture for our members and aviation enthusiasts. The very popular forums and homebuilding workshops are in place, exciting air shows will bring our eyes to the sky, and aviation vendors are ready to share their products and knowledge. Be sure to stop by the EAA Chapters and Young Eagles Blue Barn on Knapp Street, adjacent to the Forums area, and see our newest youth programs offered to chapters. The sound of AirVenture will be familiar to our ears, and I am personally looking forward to it — from the hum of ultralights and powered parachutes to the roar of piston-pounding engines; these are the sounds of the greatest aviation gathering in the world. Let’s reunite with our aviation friends and family that we only see at Oshkosh and have a great AirVenture.

Safe travels to all.

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