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Chapter Resource – EAA Chapter Handbook

John Egan, EAA Chapter Manager, EAA 336835

March 2022 – As EAA chapter and squadron leaders, it is important to have a complete understanding of the various EAA-designed programs, activities, and resources available to you. Being in the know simply helps you as a chapter leader make your chapter better, and frankly, it makes your role as a leader easier.

One of our resources available to chapter leaders is our EAA Chapter Handbook. This 100-plus page resource is the go-to place to help you as a chapter officer understand the expectations and best practices of chapter life in the eyes of EAA. Helpful sections regarding the use of EAA chapter event insurance and the proper use EAA logos is a great place to reference when planning social, aviation, and educational events.

Do you have a question regarding EAA membership expectations? If so, your chapter handbook will help you in this area, along with information on how to manage your list of chapter members. Additional areas of interest include chapter marketing, leadership training, chapter officer roles and responsibilities, and tips on financial management for your chapter — all found in your chapter handbook.

Maintaining a sound set of bylaws for your chapter helps guide and direct your chapter as a nonprofit. Your chapter handbook includes a good set of bylaws to consider adopting directly or to use as a starting point when revising your chapter bylaws.

Please get to know your chapter handbook and get to know us here at EAA by referencing the EAA office staff section to contact us with your chapter-related questions and comments.

View your chapter handbook.

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