Happy Holidays, EAA Chapters and Squadrons

Happy Holidays, EAA Chapters and Squadrons

John Egan, EAA 336835, Sr. Manager of Chapters


December 2023 –  As we near the end of 2023 and look forward to 2024, I want to reflect on the past year and thank our EAA chapter officers and members for the great work they offer not only to their EAA chapter, but to their local communities. EAA chapters are the heartbeat of our organization, growing participation in recreational aviation for 69 years! Thank you for all you do.

As we taxi in to 2024, we will be marking the 70th anniversary of the EAA chapters network. Since the beginning, EAA chapters have excelled in supporting their local members with educational, social, and aviation activities, and things have only gotten better in these 69 years. Thank you for continuing to assist your fellow aviation enthusiasts in the areas of pilot proficiency and aviation education as we can never stop learning to be better pilots and aviators. Thank you also for your efforts in fostering a welcoming and inviting environment in your chapter, and hosting all of those social events which bring people out to the airport.

We notice that more and more of our EAA chapters are participating in organized youth programs locally. Whether they be Young Eagles events, a youth airplane build project, or a Young Eagles Workshop day camp, thank you for inspiring the next generation, as aviation is a great trade to be attached to.

As the year-end approaches, now is an appropriate time to also reflect on those EAA members we lost in 2023. EAA chapters bring people together, creating tight bonds and relationships lasting many years and at times for decades. Let’s remember and honor members who have gone west and consider honoring those members with a special yearly volunteer recognition award at the local chapter level. What better way to make a forever memory for these special EAA chapter members who dedicated so much of their time to their chapter? Please consider finding a way to show appreciation to these important chapter members by recognizing your current members.

Near the end of each year, our EAA chapters office staff rounds up and sends out annual chapter service awards to all chapters and squadrons. The recognition pins and achievement certificates are for you as a chapter to provide recognition to your members. Please be sure to share these items with your officers and volunteers and listed positions. Having nearly 900 chapters in the network, this is our method to recognize our chapter leaders.

We know that you work hard and for that we are grateful. Chapters are what make our organization unique and are comprised of our most dedicated members. Thank you for being one of them and for your diligent efforts to guide and improve your chapter. It is truly a pleasure to serve you!

From each of us here in the chapter office, warmest wishes for a Merry Christmas and a healthy and Happy New Year!

Charlie Becker, EAA Lifetime 515808, Director of Chapters & Homebuilt Community Manager
John Egan, EAA 336835, Sr. Manager of Chapters
Christopher Gauger, EAA 746128, Chapter Field Representative I
Tim Dahnke, EAA 842703, Chapter Field Representative I
Alison Egan, EAA 1521626, Chapters Administrative Assistant
David Leiting, EAA 579157, Eagles Program Manager
Samantha Olson, EAA 797800, Young Eagles Program Assistant

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