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An AirVenture to Remember

By Ian Brown, EAA 657159

September 2015 - Many of us are still luxuriating in the memories of another splendid AirVenture with as close to perfect weather as many of us can remember. We can reinforce the memories of the Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum’s Lancaster on Remembrance Day. Courtesy of Cineplex, many movie theatres will be showing a free premiere of the story of the Lancaster bomber’s transatlantic flight for the D-Day anniversary celebrations in Europe. If you check this site you will not only be able to see a teaser for the film but information about which theatres the movie will be shown in on November 11.

Icon Aircraft seem to have a winner. If you can find the big bucks I can’t imagine more fun than flying the ICON A5. Watch a splendid video here including footage of our own Jim Busha and his impressions of the ICON A5.

At $189,000 U.S. it’s not outrageously priced for such an aircraft, and there are already 1,200 folks ahead of you in the line if you choose to sign up, so delivery would not occur before 2019, but that would give you a chance to save up the pennies, wouldn’t it?

Why am I drawing attention to the A5? Hey, look at the map. This is Canada, land of a billion lakes. Isn’t it the dream of every Canadian pilot to fly to his or her favourite fishing hole?

As you will see elsewhere in this issue, the EAA lost one of its best. Saul Cartman of Sudbury passed away recently after a battle with cancer. He was one of our most active Young Eagles pilots, having flown 890 of these introductory flights. Our thoughts go to his family and friends at this time.

As usual, we would like to solicit any ideas for new articles. There are many of you out there with interesting projects. It is difficult to find the time, but we’re here to help if you’re willing to provide the information. Half a page and a few photos is fine.

EAA Webinars are always a great source for learning. You can sign up for upcoming webinars here and check out what content you might be interested in. We all have our favourites, but since the webinars are held in the evenings it’s sometimes tough to take time out to participate. One of my favourite ways to enjoy them is from the webinar video player. Watching the videos allows you to do it at your own pace, repeat a section, skip over an area that you might not be interested in, and, most importantly, pause when nature calls!

We’re about to move from the turbulent, thin air of summer to those ideal flying days of autumn with its thicker air, fall colours, and cooler temperatures. Enjoy it while you can and fly safely. Let’s see if we can fit in a few more fly-ins before they’re over. See you there?


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