We Often Say This Was the Best-Ever AirVenture, But It Was Certainly True This Time!
Ian Brown, EAA 657159, Editor - Bits and Pieces
September 2023 – We received this very welcome message from Paul Dyck, who spent many years as a member of the EAA Canadian Council.
“AirVenture 2023 being my first return to Oshkosh since pre-Covid, I was greatly impressed with all improvements made by the EAA Canadian Council on behalf of the EAA Canadian members. From the wonderful new EAA Canada Headquarters Pavilion, great forums, enhanced programs, pre-planned camping and social gatherings, it was a great way for Canadians to associate and enjoy AirVenture.
Thank you so much for all your hard work and a job well done!
Paul Dyck”
Thanks to Paul for such a kind message. We are working on some new content for your newsletter, and will be following up on several avenues. If you have any thoughts on content you would like to see why not drop me an email at newsletter.EAACC@gmail.com. A few years ago we were able to get chapter reports, one per month, and we would like to start that up again. It’s your chance to let the rest of the country know what you’re up to. It’s logistically a little bit complex because each report should be timely, regarding anything exciting happening locally, but we would like to publish one of these per month. I’m hopeful that Phillip Johnson, with his chapter liaison hat on, will be able to organize this. My intention here is just to provide the opportunity for chapters to start thinking about it. We might need to figure out how to get those chapters that don’t shut down to contribute when others are closed for the winter season. If you do have a particular event that happens every year, why not think about a chapter report focused on that.
Our readers also find “tech tips” really useful. They do seem to be some of the most-read articles. Perhaps you found a neat way to fix something that you think others might be impressed with, too. An added benefit of technical ideas is that they don’t have to be “current.” A good idea is just that. Please send anything you might have to me at the email address in the previous paragraph, with photographs ideally in a Word document.
I received an email from Steven McDowell, who is leading the attempt to install ADS-B-In transmitters in Canada. This is what he said about my presentation on flying to and from Canada: “I’m hoping that you will mention that ADS-B In, while limited, is still coming to Canada. We’re finally getting some traction with commercial manufacturing of our transmitters. We have six stations now in Ontario, with a pipeline of ten coming to Alberta, Saskatchewan, Ontario, and Nova Scotia, and some interest from other provinces. As an all-volunteer organization, the progress is sometimes frustratingly slow but steady.”
I thought you might like to see a map of who attended our brand new Canadian “tent,” which is much more than that now, with solid walls, air conditioning, and a separate space for our program of talks. Thank you so much to EAA headquarters for doing this at no charge to Canadian members.
A special thank-you this month to everyone who put in so much hard work to make AirVenture such a special one for Canadian attendees, and of course to all of those who wrote about it in this issue.