Stay Inspired

EAA is your guide to getting the most out of the world of flight and giving your passion room to grow.

Welcome to Our New Writers!

Ian Brown, EAA 657159, Editor - Bits and Pieces

Your editor and his RV-9A

November 2023 – Many of you responded to the AirVenture survey and there were an incredible 14 who indicated a willingness to contribute to Bits and Pieces in some form. I reached out to those people and hope that it bears fruit in the coming months. Some of those in the survey made suggestions on how to improve our participation in AirVenture itself and your council will be meeting in the next few weeks to review all of your suggestions. There were also 85 who hadn't subscribed but wanted to.

If you would like to contribute to Bits and Pieces, here are a few suggestions. One of the most important tips is that, because we like to keep the newsletter all in one style, i.e. not formatted to your own choice of font, etc. when you submit something, keep it simple. Just so it's all manageable by our team in Oshkosh, don't change font sizes, bold, italics, centring, or whatever, otherwise I get the “enormous pleasure” of doing that myself every month. Please submit everything in Times New Roman, 12 point, even though that won't be the way it comes out; there are reasons!

Another couple of tips are to keep it brief (repetitive ideas, or irrelevant paragraphs turn people off) and a good guide is 1,000 words or less. Make it about aviation because that's why people subscribe. Not surprisingly some of the most-read articles are very short, and about purely aviation and often about some amateur builder's gizmo or technique for doing something neat. Try this trick. Write an article, then re-read it looking to see what you can delete without fundamentally altering the article. You'll get more readers that way, I promise.

Thanks to Michael, John, and Jack this month for their contributions. They go out of their way to provide the content for this newsletter, and maybe it's time for YOU to do the same. If you feel you have anything to contribute please drop me a line at

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