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EAA Protects Homebuilding at Ogden-Hinckley Airport

October 27, 2016 - EAA left a positive influence on airport officials at Ogden-Hinckley Airport (KOGD) in Utah in a letter it drafted to help guide the creation of local airport hangar policy.

A number of EAA members based out of KOGD, including board member Charlie Precourt, expressed concern when Ogden City introduced a policy draft that would require 90-day progress check-ins and a two-year limitation on homebuilding projects being assembled in its hangars.

EAA’s government team reached out to the airport’s management and made recommendations to extend the period between check-ins and lift any time limitations or allow extensions for homebuilding activities. It also offered to work together with the airport management and EAA Chapter 58 to create a more realistic and amateur-built-friendly policy.

Precourt contacted EAA to share that the letter was very well received by the management at KOGD.

Many airports like Ogden are revisiting their policies to meet new FAA policy — which will go into effect in July 2017 — that recognizes homebuilding as an acceptable use of hangar space.

Homebuilding is not only a beloved and fast-growing community in the general aviation world, but the services aircraft builders seek contribute greatly to the economic environment of any airport.

EAA hopes we can continue to work together and communicate openly with the government to make airport communities inclusive and welcoming for all aspects of aviation.

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