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Young Eagles Credits for Your Chapter: The Rest of the Story

June 2015 - Chapters that fly Young Eagles can earn Young Eagles credits. These credits can be used for a variety of purposes such as the transportation costs of sending children to the Air Academy, as well as covering up to 100 percent of the EAA Air Academy tuition. Other uses include materials purchased for use of hands-on activities at Young Eagles rallies – banners, posters, and promotional materials. Other examples include operational and safety items such as rope, cones, vests, printers, etc.


How Credits Are Issued and Redeemed

  • Qualification. There is no change to the qualification for credits once again; for 2015 they are worth $5 per credit. Pilots who fly and register 10 or more Young Eagles in the prior calendar year are awarded one credit for each flight. For example, if a pilot flew and registered 10 Young Eagles during 2014, he would receive 10 credits or $50 to spend in 2015; if he flew 50 Young Eagles, he would receive 50 credits or $250, etc.
  • EAA chapters. EAA issues a single voucher containing the total credits earned by that chapter’s pilots during 2014. This credit will be kept “on account” at EAA headquarters. To redeem these credits, the credit reimbursement form should be used.
  • Pilots not associated with a chapter. Pilots not associated with an EAA chapter will be issued a credit letter as in past years. Individual pilots can use the credits to help send a child to the Air Academy, or return the credits to EAA. Please note that individual pilots cannot participate directly in the cash reimbursement program. However, individual pilots may gift their credits to an EAA chapter to assist that chapter’s activities.
  • Return the credits to EAA. If you wish, you may turn the credits back to EAA which will use them to enhance the general Air Academy scholarship fund – facilitating the attendance of a young person at Air Academy.
  • Expiration of credits – please note all credits expire on December 31, 2015. Expenses must be incurred before December 31, 2015, to be eligible for reimbursement. Reimbursement forms must be returned to the Young Eagles office no later than January 15, 2016.

For complete details, visit  the EAA website.


We sincerely thank the many individuals and companies who stepped forward to donate the funds that are helping to expand the Young Eagles credit program. In so doing, they have helped EAA chapters and members to foster and promote aviation among young people.


Total Young Eagles Flown: 1,919,417

Stats current as of June 22, 2015



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