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AirVenture 2022 Sign-Up Deadlines and Planning: Act Now!

By Serena Kamps, EAA Lifetime 1011028

May 2022 – EAA AirVenture Oshkosh 2022 is less than 70 days away! Can you feel the excitement building? The chapters team is looking forward to it right along with you. Our planning is definitely well underway. How about yours? There are so many opportunities for chapters to participate in that week. Take a look at a few of them below and note that sign-up deadlines are fast approaching — don’t delay!

Chapter Group Camping – Sign-up ends June 24
What could be more fun than camping together with a group of your closest aviation friends at the World’s Greatest Aviation Celebration? Through the affordable chapter camping offering, you have the opportunity to do just that. Establish a chapter “beachhead” in Camp Scholler and encourage your members to camp nearby. Rather than paying by the day, a campsite is staked out until the convention ends. Chapters are able to purchase in advance two to six campsites at a flat rate in order to establish a chapter base of operations. Campsites are staked out in advance so they will be waiting for you when you arrive. All sign-ups and payments must be received by June 24.

Chapter Pancake Breakfast Fundraising – Sign-up ends May 31
EAA chapters have the opportunity to use the Camp Scholler Chapters Pavilion for their very own chapter pancake breakfast fundraiser. EAA will provide all of the food ingredients and supplies. All the chapter needs are the volunteers to prepare and serve the food. EAA will handle requests as a lottery system, where all chapters have an equal chance of being selected. If selected, chapters must have a minimum of 14 volunteers at the pavilion from 6 a.m. – 12 p.m. on the morning of their breakfast. The pavilion is located in the Camp Scholler campground, directly south of the Fly Market on the west side of Paul’s Woods. Simply sign up to apply for an opportunity to reserve a morning during the week of AirVenture. All proceeds from the event will go back to the hosting chapter.

Camp Scholler Chapters Pavilion – Sign-up ends May 31
EAA chapters also have the opportunity to use the Camp Scholler Chapters Pavilion for their very own chapter get-togethers. This location will be available for chapters to utilize throughout convention as a gathering space for their members. Afternoon and evening time slots will be available for chapter to reserve. Whether it is a private chapter event or a gathering for all chapters within your state, the group will have free rein over the facility. EAA will supply griddles and grills with propane for chapter use. Your chapter is responsible for bringing all cooking and serving utensils, food to serve, and to clean up after the event.

Chapter and Young Eagles Achievement Awards – Nominations close May 31
You are invited to nominate your most outstanding chapter members to be considered for a Chapter Major Achievement Award. This award recognizes those chapter members who have gone above and beyond for their chapter, EAA, and the aviation community at large through years of passionate and dedicated service. Three or four winners are typically selected.

Perhaps you have a newsletter editor or website editor who produces an excellent product from month to month. There are awards for these as well. Again, you are encouraged to nominate these folks. Multiple awards are usually given.

There are also a number of Young Eagles volunteer awards available recognizing an outstanding chapter coordinator, ground supporter, or individual who has made significant contributions to the Young Eagles program.

Chapter Leaders Corn Roast
You are invited to join the EAA chapter staff for a complimentary corn roast in recognition of your efforts as chapter leaders throughout the year.

Volunteer with Chapters and Young Eagles
AirVenture simply would not happen without the support of thousands of volunteers who willingly give their time and energy to make this the best aviation celebration in the world and have a fantastic time doing it! You are invited to get in on the fun and become one of them. The EAA chapters and Young Eagles teams are looking for volunteers to help with AirVenture preparation, staffing at the Blue Barn and EAA’s Chapters Pavilion, along with a little wrap-up activity.

Blue Barn staffing includes being on-site during AirVenture to assist visitors in learning more about chapter life, and the various chapter-related programs and activities, especially the very popular Young Eagles program. For those who wish to volunteer days before AirVenture, volunteer opportunities are available to assist with the final set-up in the Blue Barn or at the Chapters Pavilion located in Camp Scholler. Your help is greatly appreciated! Those who volunteer 20 hours or more are eligible for a free weekly wristband for the following year. Those who volunteer 40 hours or more are eligible for free camping the following year.

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