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Chapter Renewal Overdue Notice

January 2023 If you have recently completed renewal, please double check that both the online portion has been completed and that payment has been submitted. If both these steps are done, thank you and please disregard this notice. You will know if the online portion has been completed if you have received the summary and voucher/receipt emails. These go to all officers regardless of who actually completed the online portion.

As of this article, 772 EAA chapters have renewed their charters for 2023. If your chapter is one of these, thank you for completing this process. There are still a number of chapters that have not renewed yet, however. The deadline to complete chapter renewal was December 31, 2022. If your chapter has not completed the renewal process for 2023 yet, please do so as soon as possible.

If you are an outgoing chapter officer, please forward the required chapter information to the new chapter officers since they will still need to complete the renewal. Having all of the chapter’s relevant information for renewal on hand will be helpful to expedite the process. Less than 15 minutes is needed to complete and submit your chapter renewal.

Important Information

  • Your passcode to log in is as follows and should be written in all lowercase: flyeaa
  • Once you have completed the renewal, don’t forget to click “Submit.” You will know your renewal has gone through when you receive two emails.
  • The first email is a summary of all the information you entered on the renewal tool. Please look this information over carefully and make sure everything is correct, since this information is used for your EAA-provided chapter website (if you have one) as well as the Find a Chapter tool on the EAA website. If any changes need to be made, please call or email the EAA chapters office right away.
  • The second email will be a receipt if you paid by credit card or a voucher if you selected the pay-by-check option. The voucher tells you who to make the check out to and where to send it. If you opt to pay by check, please follow up with the appropriate person to make sure it actually gets mailed!
  • Insurance costs for 2023 will remain the same as they were in 2022. Chapter insurance protects the chapter at all EAA chapter-approved events including monthly meetings and gatherings.

Accessing the Chapter Renewal Tool

Access Chapter Renewal – US and Canadian Chapters
Access Chapter Renewal – International Chapters

  1. Select chapter type (EAA, IAC, Ultralights, Vintage, or Warbirds)
  2. Enter chapter number
  3. Enter passcode flyeaa (note: all lowercase)

For more information about chapter renewal, please read the article from the November 2022 issue of ChapterGram: Get Ready for Chapter Renewal!

If you have any questions about renewal, please contact the EAA chapters office by calling 920-426-4800 or emailing us at chapters@eaa.org.


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