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ADS-B “Out” Low-Cost Solution

ADS-B OutFebruary 2018 - If you are concerned about meeting the FAA-mandated 2020 ADS-B solution by the 2020 deadline, you may be interested to know that there is a simple and relatively low-cost option. Simply swap out your navigation light for one of these gizmos, and you’re in business. You don’t have to comply if you don’t plan to be in Class C or above airspace, but if you do, this may be the option you hoped for.

SkyBeacon from uAvionix is the world’s first zero-install ADS-B “out” solution meeting the U.S. 2020 ADS-B mandate. It combines LED navigation light technology with an ultra-compact universal access transceiver ADS-B “out” solution. SkyBeacon will be available in the first quarter of 2018 for experimental and light-sport aircraft.

The new patent-pending design of SkyBeacon delivers bolt-on 2020 compliance. Installation involves removal of the current wingtip position light and replacing it with the SkyBeacon. The existing wiring and circuit breaker provide power; no airframe modifications or additional antennas are required.

Upon initial power up, the SkyBeacon mobile application will automatically configure the ICAO address, emitter type, aircraft length, width, and GPS offsets by accessing the aircraft registration information.

The SkyBeacon broadcasts on the UAT/978 MHz frequency, which offers rule-compliant operation up to flight level 180 within the United States. An optional matching companion position light will be available to provide ADS-B “in” capability.

SkyBeacon is pending certification via approved model list for STC’d installation on hundreds of aircraft makes and models in the United States. 

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