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Memorial Wall

July 29, 2017 - The EAA Memorial Wall is a special place on the EAA AirVenture Oshkosh grounds honoring fallen friends, family, and others who have inspired the next generation of aviators.

The 2017 dedication ceremony and reading of the newly added names will take place at 10 a.m. today. The program also includes a missing-man formation flight and the playing of taps.

The Memorial Wall was built from stones brought to Oshkosh by EAA members from around the world. Bronze plaques are installed each year bearing the names of the new inductees and are formally installed on the last day of the convention.

Here are the names added in the past year to the EAA Memorial Wall.

Ron Alexander

George Allen

Thomas J. Anderson     

Benjamin Scott Armen    

Edward W. Baar           

Jim Bede

Joseph Beltrante              

Thomas George Birr   

Larry Bishop

Cleon J. Biter

George O. Blechel

William F. Bordeleau

Bill Brennand

Tim Casserly          

Dorothy Chase

Gene Chase

Robert E. Christian         

Allan F. Cross                  

H. John Dane Jr.

James Michael Delaney            

Michael A. Dimiceli       

Capt. Chuck Downey         

Sylvia Ishkanian Fisher   

Tim Foley                     

Edgar E. Friederichs

Peter Graichen

Donald C. Green                 

Walter Lee Green

Lt. Col. Gale Leroy Haskins  

Robert E. Hayden

Cy Hetherington

E.E. “Buck” Hilbert

Arden R. Hjelle           

R.A. “Bob” Hoover

Eugene Horsman

Vince & Alice Hostetler

Daryl Ingalsbe                 

Richard A. Justice

James Labre

David Le Voy

Jack E. Liggett

Arthur P. Loring Jr.

J.A. “Drew” Martin

Sr. Cmdr. Bill McClure            

Dennis McCright

Russ Miller

Charles W. Moran       

Vince Morris

Maj. Bill Newnham

Paul W. Ogle Sr.

Charles G. Ostrander

Capt. James Winford Parker  

Gerald R. Peacock

David A. Pistole

James Edward Radtke

James C. Ray

Jim Riverside            

Richard Roe          

Charles Ross

Ren Sagaert

Guy A. Snyder

Ronald J. Stromberg  

Johnnie J. Swecker   

Ken & Helene Terrio   

Jim Thomas

Jeary R. Vogt

Thomas W. Wathen

William John Watson

Bob Weed                  

Carl Wendt                 

Andreas Hayato Wiedemann 

Anthony T. Wojnar     

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