Lodging Updates for EAA AirVenture Oshkosh 2022
June 1, 2022 - As EAA AirVenture Oshkosh 2022 quickly approaches, finding suitable lodging is a must. While there are hotel options around Oshkosh and the Fox Valley, prices are at a premium during the week of AirVenture.
A more affordable option is camping at Camp Scholler, adjacent to the AirVenture grounds. With more than 12,000 open campsites, Camp Scholler is a great place for you, your family, and friends to enjoy AirVenture. Camp Scholler has grocery stores, laundry facilities, shower rooms, food venues, and more for campers to use. Learn more about camping options here.
Other lodging options available include:
The University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh is currently sold out of rooms for AirVenture 2022. Fill out an application to be put on the waiting list here. UWO reservations for AirVenture 2023 open on October 4, 2022, at 8 a.m CDT.
University of Wisconsin- Oshkosh - Oshkosh, Wisconsin (2 miles from convention grounds)
For more information, call 920-424-3226 or email uwoeaa@lists.uwosh.edu.
Marian University - Fond du Lac, Wisconsin (20 miles south of convention grounds)
For more information, call 800-262-7426 or email eaa@marianuniversity.edu.
Valley Christian School - Oshkosh, Wisconsin (7 miles from convention grounds)
For more information, call 920-292-1278 or email reservations@vcoshkosh.com.
Ripon College - Ripon, Wisconsin (19 miles southwest of convention grounds)
For more information, call 920-748-8164 or email eaa@ripon.edu.
Additional websites for lodging options, which includes renting rooms and even entire houses:
All the rooms
Rent Like a Champion
Please note availability for lodging is subject to change. Plan in advance for the event and make sure you have confirmation numbers if needed. To find tickets for EAA AirVenture go to www.eaa.org/airventure/eaa-airventure-tickets. Additional information about AirVenture is available at https://www.eaa.org/airventure.